This bike is a 1938 Norton Manx single knocker, with a garden gate frame.
I built this bike to race, and was quite successful in that endeavor.
I forget the year, but I do remember my rider, Marcello Degucci (sp?).
We campaigned the bike one year in the pre-1940 AHRMA class.
We ran the bike four times that year, two firsts and two seconds.
One of the seconds was at Daytona the first year they let the pre-1940's run on the big track.
It was a photo finish second behind a 1938 Indian Scout.
The local news gave me a copy of the photo finish, and it appeared that we had actually won the race.
When I said a photo finish, it's misleading in that no photo by the officials is taken.
It's a judgement call.
The judge was wrong on this one.
We finished 10th in the overall standings that year, running only four events out of the fourteen.
Not bad.